2nd Egalitarian SDG Challenge


Aug 26-30, 2024

Transforming Sustainability Through Students in Engineering

Aalborg University Campus Copenhagen (A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 København, Denmark)

General Context 2024

A student-driven initiative that brings together diverse talents to develop solutions to improve the waste management and the life of waste pickers in Brasília, aligned with the 2030 Agenda's goals. Each semester, students undertake different projects within this framework, aiming at maximum impact.

The Event

As part of the ERASMUS+ EGALITARIAN SDG Challenge, we are having a one-week conference in Copenhagen, Denmark, during August 26-30, 2024. The event is taking place at Aalborg University (AAU).


The Brazilian students will have the opportunity to present in Copenhagen the results of the Portfolio of Sustainability Projects, carried out in partnership between the University of Brasília, Aalborg University, Saxion University and University of Minho.

About Egalitarian

During the conference, from Aug 26-30, the Brazilian and other international students will work together on the project proposals for the following semester, based on the context of waste pickers and waste management in Brasília. Then, engineering students from all involved countries will make their semester projects in the autumn of 2024 based on these project proposals.

Trip Conditions


It is important to emphasize that AAU will provide food during the events to support participants' stay. Brazilian students are expected to purchase and coordinate funding for their airplane tickets and accommodations through their own universities. Therefore, they should be prepared to cover these costs at least partially.


It is expected that the airplane tickets from Brasilia to Copenhagenan will have the approximate cost of R$ 6,500.00 (six thousand reais). The cost of accommodations is estimated to be around R$ 1,500.00 (one thousand five hundred reais). The students are encouraged to apply for various funding sources in Brazil.

Committe of Professors

Jens Myrup Pedersen (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Daniel Russo (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Simone Borges Simão Monteiro (University of Brasília)

Dianne Magalhães Viana (University of Brasília)

Anabela Carvalho Alves (Minho University)

Rui Manuel Sá Pereira Lima (Minho University)

Diana Mesquita (Minho University)

Natascha van Hattum (Saxion University)

General Executive Coordinator

Mateus Halbe Torres (Aalborg University, Denmark)

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