Egalitarian SDG Challenge

Upcoming Events:

Waste Summit Copenhagen 2024 - Open Day Aug 30

The Waste Summit Copenhagen 2024 is an international event that will take place between August 26 to 30 at Aalborg University Copenhagen. During the full week, nearly 50 students, professors, and supervisors will work together to define the semester projects.

The last day of the event (Friday) will be an open day focused on presenting the student's projects and networking with partners and special guests.

Past Events:

Waste Summit Brasília 2024

The Waste Summit Brasília 2024 is an international event that will take place between January 22nd and 26th at the University of Brasília. During the full week, nearly 70 students, professors, and supervisors will work together to define the semester projects.

The last day of the event (Friday) will be an open day focused on presenting the student's projects and networking with partners and special guests.

What are the SDG's?

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are our roadmap to address global challenges and build a better world for all. From ending poverty to promoting gender equality, these 17 goals guide our journey towards a more equitable and resilient planet.


These goals aim to promote sustainable development and improve the well-being of people around the world.

The SDGs cover a wide range of issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace and justice, and partnerships for the goals.

Our Part

Our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores our dedication to fostering positive change on a global scale.

Within our societal role, we actively engage in initiatives that address projects and studies for a community well-being. Through collaborative partnerships and educational outreach, we aim to raise awareness and cultivate a culture of sustainability.

Get involved

Join the change, be it through getting involved in our projects, supporting us, or spreading the word. Every action counts!

Get involved

Join the change, be it through getting involved in our projects, supporting us, or spreading the word. Every action counts!

Get involved

Join the change, be it through getting involved in our projects, supporting us, or spreading the word. Every action counts!

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© 2024 Egalitarian All Rights Reserved